260 research outputs found

    Weakly Enforced Boundary Conditions for the NURBS-Based Finite Cell Method

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    In this paper, we present a variationally consistent formulation for the weak enforcement of essential boundary conditions as an extension to the finite cell method, a fictitious domain method of higher order. The absence of boundary fitted elements in fictitious domain or immersed boundary methods significantly restricts a strong enforcement of essential boundary conditions to models where the boundary of the solution domain coincides with the embedding analysis domain. Penalty methods and Lagrange multiplier methods are adequate means to overcome this limitation but often suffer from various drawbacks with severe consequences for a stable and accurate solution of the governing system of equations. In this contribution, we follow the idea of NITSCHE [29] who developed a stable scheme for the solution of the Laplace problem taking weak boundary conditions into account. An extension to problems from linear elasticity shows an appropriate behavior with regard to numerical stability, accuracy and an adequate convergence behavior. NURBS are chosen as a high-order approximation basis to benefit from their smoothness and flexibility in the process of uniform model refinement

    Wind turbine simulation: structural mechanics, fsi and computational steering

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    A fluid-structure interaction (FSI) validation study of Micon 65/13M wind turbine with Sandia CX-100 composite blades is presented. KirchhoffLove shell theory is used for blade structures, while the aerodynamics formulation is performed using a moving-domain finite-element-based ALE-VMS technique. The structural mechanics formulation is validated through the eigenfrequency analysis of the CX-100 blade. For coupling between two domains a nonmatching discretization of the fluid-structure interface is adopted. This adds flexibility and relaxes the requirements placed on geometry modeling and meshing tools employed. The simulations are done at realistic wind conditions and rotor speeds. The rotor-tower interaction that influences the aerodynamic torque is captured. The computed aerodynamic torque generated by the Micon 65/13M wind turbine compares well with that obtained from on-land field tests. We conclude by illustrating the application of the Dynamic Data-Driven Applications System (DDDAS) to investigate the fiber waviness defects embedded in the CX-100 wind turbine blade

    The Influence of Quadrature Errors on Isogeometric Mortar Methods

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    Mortar methods have recently been shown to be well suited for isogeometric analysis. We review the recent mathematical analysis and then investigate the variational crime introduced by quadrature formulas for the coupling integrals. Motivated by finite element observations, we consider a quadrature rule purely based on the slave mesh as well as a method using quadrature rules based on the slave mesh and on the master mesh, resulting in a non-symmetric saddle point problem. While in the first case reduced convergence rates can be observed, in the second case the influence of the variational crime is less significant

    Robust Poisson Surface Reconstruction

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    Abstract. We propose a method to reconstruct surfaces from oriented point clouds with non-uniform sampling and noise by formulating the problem as a convex minimization that reconstructs the indicator func-tion of the surface’s interior. Compared to previous models, our recon-struction is robust to noise and outliers because it substitutes the least-squares fidelity term by a robust Huber penalty; this allows to recover sharp corners and avoids the shrinking bias of least squares. We choose an implicit parametrization to reconstruct surfaces of unknown topology and close large gaps in the point cloud. For an efficient representation, we approximate the implicit function by a hierarchy of locally supported basis elements adapted to the geometry of the surface. Unlike ad-hoc bases over an octree, our hierarchical B-splines from isogeometric analysis locally adapt the mesh and degree of the splines during reconstruction. The hi-erarchical structure of the basis speeds-up the minimization and efficiently represents clustered data. We also advocate for convex optimization, in-stead isogeometric finite-element techniques, to efficiently solve the min-imization and allow for non-differentiable functionals. Experiments show state-of-the-art performance within a more flexible framework.

    Building a Digital Wind Farm

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    Modeling intracranial aneurysm stability and growth: An integrative mechanobiological framework for clinical cases

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    We present a novel patient-specific fluid-solid-growth framework to model the mechanobiological state of clinically detected intracranial aneurysms (IAs) and their evolution. The artery and IA sac are modeled as thick-walled, non-linear elastic fiber-reinforced composites. We represent the undulation distribution of collagen fibers: the adventitia of the healthy artery is modeled as a protective sheath whereas the aneurysm sac is modeled to bear load within physiological range of pressures. Initially, we assume the detected IA is stable and then consider two flow-related mechanisms to drive enlargement: (1) low wall shear stress; (2) dysfunctional endothelium which is associated with regions of high oscillatory flow. Localized collagen degradation and remodelling gives rise to formation of secondary blebs on the aneurysm dome. Restabilization of blebs is achieved by remodelling of the homeostatic collagen fiber stretch distribution. This integrative mechanobiological modelling workflow provides a step towards a personalized risk-assessment and treatment of clinically detected IAs

    First Order Error Correction for Trimmed Quadrature in Isogeometric Analysis

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    International audienceIn this work, we develop a specialized quadrature rule for trimmed domains , where the trimming curve is given implicitly by a real-valued function on the whole domain. We follow an error correction approach: In a first step, we obtain an adaptive subdivision of the domain in such a way that each cell falls in a pre-defined base case. We then extend the classical approach of linear approximation of the trimming curve by adding an error correction term based on a Taylor expansion of the blending between the linearized implicit trimming curve and the original one. This approach leads to an accurate method which improves the convergence of the quadrature error by one order compared to piecewise linear approximation of the trimming curve. It is at the same time efficient, since essentially the computation of one extra one-dimensional integral on each trimmed cell is required. Finally, the method is easy to implement, since it only involves one additional line integral and refrains from any point inversion or optimization operations. The convergence is analyzed theoretically and numerical experiments confirm that the accuracy is improved without compromising the computational complexity
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